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Our Farm Open House and Customer Appreciation Dinner

written by

Desiree Nelson

posted on

March 26, 2018

Save the date and join us on the farm for our second ever Customer Appreciation Dinner and Open House. The beginning of summer with be the perfect time to come visit the farm, before the insects become too numerous that they carry little children away. We will have chicks in the brooder, broilers out on pasture as well as pigs and rabbits on pasture! You will be able to see our farm management principles up close and experience our farm transparency first hand. Most importantly, we can gather around a good nutrient dense meal and count our blessings.

3:00 – STARTS!  

3:30 – First official farm tour, many tours will go on unofficially I’m sure. Guided by Ryan or Desiree.

4:30 – Second official tour, guided by Ryan or Desiree. 

(Be ready for the weather, whatever it may be, dirt, mud, bugs and lots of walking. If the pigs aren’t up close we will have a trailer ride out to them for those that need it)  

TBD – Plant ID walk — Learn about foraging and medicinal plants you can find.

5:30 – Meal of chicken grilled to perfection by our very talented friend Craig and Susie’s sourdough and gluten free bread from Yoga Pant’s Bakery. Basic refreshments will be available.  Please bring a dish to share.  

RSVP so we can plan for the food. We have a Facebook event created, you can RSVP there or email us below in the contact form.

On the tours of the farm you can see our broiler chickens in their daily move shelters, chicks in the brooder, laying hens out on pasture, rabbits on pasture and pigs foraging on the edges of our pastures and woods.

Whether you are a new customer, or family or friend, or have been a long-time customer, we want to thank you for your support! We hope that you can make it out to the farm Saturday June 9th.

~ Desiree & Ryan along with Olivia & Cooper


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