This is our online store for farm and local pickups to the farm only. For Home Delivery option in the Twin Cities, Rochester and St. Cloud areas go to

NEW Home Delivery Service!

written by

Desiree Nelson

posted on

August 29, 2024


In September 2024, we will be transitioning to a new home delivery service for our customers.  We are hiring Regional Food System (RFS) in Blaine to do these home deliveries and suspending our pickup location deliveries.

Here are the details:

  1. We are currently working on getting our new website store up and running.  Soon our website will look a little different, but a better online store experience with more features.
  2. RFS is offering the first 6 months membership FREE to our customers during this transition for home delivery.  Normally this is an annual $99.
  3. There will be a $4.99 per order delivery fee.  Delivery is available each week, 50 weeks out of the year.
  4. Besides our NGF products, you will also get access to all of RFS products they offer from other farms and brands.
    1. Local organic produce
    2. Full selection of grocery items and essentials including pantry, snacks, local and national beverages, bakery items, organic ready-to-eat meals & more.  There are currently 1,250 items in the store.
    3. TC Farm products that don't compete with ours.
    4. As more farms like ours are added in the future, you will have access to their products as well, as long as they give that permission.

What to look for:

  1. Watch my weekly email updates for the official start date of home delivery.
  2. Expect to setup your NEW online store account once our new website is up and running.

Farm pickups and local delivery:

  1. You can still setup to order and pickup on the farm through the entire transition AND after the new website is online.
  2. I currently will be continuing my twice a month delivery to Mora.
  3. Soon I will be figuring out local pickup locations that are outside of RFS delivery area.  My weekly emails will keep you updated there.

Why are we doing this?

We are at that point in growth of our farm that we would need to make substantial capital investments to increase farm production and keep up with demand. We also need to increase production to make our business more profitable and work towards sustaining our family financially.  (We aren't there yet)

That would mean expanding our freezer space $$, or different larger delivery vehicle $$ and more time for us away from the farm doing deliveries.

So, when we had the opportunity to work with RFS to expand all of the above and have the ability to be on the farm MORE to increase production, for only a monthly fee to us, it seemed like a no brainer!  RFS is working to improve our local food system and get more products to the consumer in Minnesota and we are happy to be working with them.

Thank you for supporting us through this transition and supporting the broader local food system in MN!  ~Desiree, Ryan, Olivia & Cooper


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